Sunday, December 4, 2011


            I estimate that 1 month will be required for a program to perform the requested computerized invoicing system. Interviews will be scheduled with the manager, the cashier and the senior mechanic. Total of 48 hours of staff interviewing and observation is expected.  The following is an estimate of costs for performing the systems analysis:

            Personnel                           Duration         Wage Rate                Total
            =========                       ======        ========                ========
            Programmer                         1 month     P10, 000.00               P 10,000.00
           Company Calibration staff    
-          Senior Mechanic          2 days        P350.00/day             P 700.00
-          Cashier                          2 days         P150.00/day             P 300.00

Inkjet Printer
(See Appendix for specs)        -           P5, 000.00                      P5, 000.00
Supplies                                   -           P9, 000.00                      P9, 000.00
And other matters, etc.                                                                ========                                                                                                                         --------------------------------------------------------------------------P25, 000.00

            This will be used to develop alternative ways to solve the problems and take advantage of the opportunities in the computer system in the subsequent evaluation of alternatives.  A promising alternative will be selected to evaluate in detail. I will present a tentative design for a new computer system in my final report.  Should management decide to accept and decide to proceed, project will continue on to the design phase where the physical environment  of the system will be studied and decided on.

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